The One Legged Stool

Is your marketing "one legged stool'?  Does the majority of your marketing depend on one strategy?  If so, here are a few ideas to add a few more legs to that stool.  If you don't, it will tip over. We are working with a client who recently developed a marketing...

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Acing A/B and MVT Testing

I'm a huge fan of companies and websites that use A/B and MVT (Multi-Variate Testing). It's a great way to learn more about your customers, and a critical part of conversion optimization. One tool I always recommend using is Google Website Optimizer - it's 100% free...

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SEO is Not a Universal Language

According to the latest data from comScore, Google has the dominant share of search engine market in the U.S. And according to the CIA World Factbook, English is the 3rd most popular language in the world. However, we cannot assume that search engine optimization...

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