Some popcorn with the viewing of my inbox?
Two years ago you wouldn't dream of getting emails with videos embedded in them. Today, you may be seeing more and more of this and who knows, in a year or so we might be moving towards HD and 3-D videos in our emails altogether. We can only dream...for now, it is a...
Email Marketing Outpaces Social Media in eCommerce
Even as marketers continue to find the "hits" in promotions via viral programs on social media like FaceBook and Twitter, many marketers are still finding that email marketing is still the king at driving online sales. This just written up by eMarketer. In the study,...
Google Analytics – Event Tracking vs. OnClick Page Tracking
If you want to track clicks on links, videos, or interactive elements (and really, who doesn't?) you may believe that Event Tracking ( is the best approach. Event tracking in Google Analytics...
B2B: Can Manufacturers have a Direct Relationship with End Users?
Last week was an interesting week. The senior leadership of Endai spent 4 days with the leadership of an innovative U.S. based manufacturer. The conversation revolved around a common theme: End User Relationships. For more than half a century manufacturers have...
Please Don’t Leave Me – Detailed Form Abandonment in GA
One great feature of Google Analytics that helps visualize success (or failure ?) of forms and checkout processes is the "Funnel Visualization" report available under the GOALS tab in the Google Analytics Interface. The Funnel Visualization report will show you drop...
Leveraging Google Analytics to Provide Context to B2B Leads
One feature that doesn't receive a lot of attention in Google Analytics is a visitor value called Service Providers, available under Reports > Visitors > Network Properties > Service Providers. While generally this field will collect the Internet Service...
B2B Email Marketing – The $$$ Tree
Your email marketing objective whether you are doing B2B marketing or B2C marketing is the same, it's to create a campaign that will be relevant and interesting enough to the recipient to cause them to act on it. The difference lies in the strategy and the...
Social Network Plugins, Privacy & Branding
It started like any other day, I read some news, I copied the link to an article I thought was worth sharing (Paul the oracle octopus winning the 2010 FIFA World Cup is fascinating), and I pasted the link into my facebook status. Then I went back to the domain from...
B2B SEO: Getting to Know You (and you, and you…)
Whether you are a B2B or B2C marketer, the basic fundamentals of search engine optimization are the same: - Conduct keyword research to build a list of target keywords - Optimize content for target keywords - Get backlinks from high-quality, highly relevant external...
Less complexity equals more effective communication
Anyone familiar with the cartoonist Rube Goldberg will understand that the more complex does not always equal more effective. The same is true with email marketing. The capabilities of web designers increase almost constantly as the broadband widths grow and...