Google Analytics: In-Page Analytics Report
As many of you may have already noticed, Google has replaced Site Overlay with In-Page Analytics. This new report is similar to the old Site Overlay in that it offers a visual analysis of your website to help you determine the relative popularity of links, and can be...
Does Your Business to Business Business Do Business with Email?
I know... The title of this blog is a little perplexing. I will get some interesting looks around the office for writing such a title, but it's for good reason. If you are a B2B company and are not using email to build relationships, nurture relationships and sell...
Web Analytics Quick Tip: Buyers v. Non Buyers
Here is a quick tip on how to dramatically improve the quality and results of your web analytics and optimization program in just a few minutes. We find it's 100 percent effective in our work with online retail, media and publishing, and dozens of other businesses....
Why all these emails didn’t go through…
Recently clients have been getting smarter on analytics and post email drop statistics. They want to know why that email bounced and what a hard bounce is, a conndied is and a nobox is. Here is a little summary of what happens to prevent emails from reaching your...
Email Metrics That Matter…
Email marketing, especially if it is properly integrated with analytics, provides an abundance of data. The reporting can get really expansive, so it is really important to focus and report on the email metrics that matter most ... 1. List Growth First of all, it is...
Email & Social Networks Work Together …
Think about it, how do you send your friend an article that really interested you? Probably by email or as a post on their wall, right? Email complements most marketing tactics perfectly, whether it is to acquire, retain or convert prospects. Email has the ability...
How to Filter Out Internal Traffic in GA
Google Analytics is a great tool, but it is greater if you can help it be as smart as possible by tweaking certain things. The human element is what makes it "Analytics" after all. Filtering out internal traffic is one of those things. If you are analyzing a high...
SEO Basics: The Importance of Sitemaps
Sitemaps can often be an afterthought in the website development process. However, they can help in your search engine optimization efforts. There are two types of sitemaps, each with its own benefits for SEO. XML Sitemaps The XML sitemap protocol was originally...
Find the Web Analyst In You – All the Segmentation Options in Google Analytics
Google Analytics has several types of segmentation options that can all be used to splice data and determine the behavior of specific, high value segments. Understanding the uses and limitations of each of these segmentation options is a crucial step to ensure you...
SEO Basics: Handling Duplicate Content Issues
As part of the process of search engine optimization, duplicate content is a fundamental issue that needs to be dealt with, similar to 404 errors. In a nutshell, duplicate content is a situation where the same content can be found on multiple URL's within the same...